

About Me

Taiwanese American graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.

Passionate about finding innovative solutions.
Driven by coalescence of aesthetics and utility.

Classically trained singer // Wanna-be song-writer

Designer by heart // Programmer by choice

Centralized individuals on a website to promote faster volunteer event planning. I was responsible for all of the front-end development; this included learning related front-end tools within allotted time and figuring out how to tie in the front-end with parts of the database. Functionality includes viewing an event calendar, add/remove events/organizations and jobs for events.
A neural network set to evolve into a checkers player with a level of intelligence. I was responsible for the development of the neural network and debugged the min-max function used. I also worked with file creation/storing for generational data, SFML for checkers GUI creation, C for increasing performance during neural network training, as well as reviewing checkers replays for signs of intelligence.
A calculator written in assembly that performs postfix calculations. Operators allowed include add, subtract, multiply, and parentheses. I was responsible for inputs and outputs of single digited operations and documentation of the project.


Skill Set

Python, C++, HTML, CSS, Agile, JavaScript/TypeScript

C, C#, SQL, React, UI, UX, GitHub, Angular, RxJS

x86 Assembly, SFML, OpenSCAD, Java, Unreal Blueprints

R, VHDL, Lua, Haskell, Scheme, Prolog, Fortran
